Members of the Comiskey family were thrilled to be welcomed as visitors at Holy Family’s June 30 Mass. “ Visitors” may be somewhat of a misnomer, for the Comiskey family members, former Illinois State Representative Patti Bellock , her daughter, Dorothy, and sister, Mary Sharon Rigney Kellens, are direct descendents of Alderman “Honest John” Comiskey, President of the Chicago City Council, who was a close collaborator of Fr. Arnold Damen, S.J. According to the 1923 parish history, “ Holy Family—Priests and People,” by Br. Thomas Mulkerins, S.J., in 1857, John Comiskey walked the streets of the teeming Irish neighborhood where Fr. Damen planned to build his church and asked for contributions. He is memorialized in one of the large 12-foot round clerestory windows high atop Holy Family church that are the oldest stained glass in the city of Chicago, dating to 1860. John’s son, Charles Comiskey, a former St. Louis Browns first baseman and founder of the Chicago Whlte Sox, was baptized in Holy Family on August 19, 1859, the year before the church was dedicated. He was one of the 37-students to enroll in Fr. Damen’s new St. Ignatius College (now St. Ignatius College Prep) when the Jesuit-sponsored school, the forerunner of Loyola University Chicago, opened September 5, 1870.