On a beautiful Easter morning, Holy Family was filled with the faithful to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus. The enthusiastic congregation sang joyfully, and celebrated the Mass with Holy Family's hallmark vitality and welcoming spirit. Fr. Mike's stirring homily shared his hope that like Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, Holy Family will continue to have Sunday morning Mass and holiday celebrations. "Like the embers and ruble, the pain and shock of Notre Dame, fire is not the end of the story. It will be rebuilt. Just like Holy Family, I know and believe somehow. The light will shine, for we believe that He is risen. He is truly Risen, " he said. For FULL STORY, please click on the title link or picture.
Holy Family was packed with hundreds of worshipers who made the traditional Holy Thursday pilgrimage to pray and reflect. Three buses from St. Bede's, on the south side, joined worshipers from distant Wheaton as well as people from all over Chicagoland to join in prayer with members of the Holy Family community. Those in attendance shared their disbelief and sadness that under the Cardinal's decree, Holy Family will no longer hold Sunday Masses and other holy day celebrations.
After a beautiful and moving service on Holy Thursday, a group of Holy Family parishioners and friends "kept watch" by visiting and praying with our friends at the altar of repose at The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompeii and Notre Dame de Chicago. Catholics from all over the city also visited Holy Family, as the church remained open until midnight for prayer and reflection.
Thank you to all who assisted with last week's Hospitality following the 9:45 Mass. We had a significant assembly to welcome Fr. McQuinn, and numerous parishioners generously helped with serving and supplied treats and refreshments. Special thanks to Ellen Skerett, Arlyne Jackson, Col Chin, Rita Crosse, Sharon Igoe, Vernon Lam and the students of the Year 1 Confirmation class for embodying the welcoming and hospitable spirit that makes Holy Family community so special.
Our new pastor, Fr. Peter McQuinn concelebrated Mass with Fr. Mike and was witness to some good old Holy Family hospitality and vitality. Fr. Peter received a warm welcome from all in attendance, while seeing first hand why parishioners are passionate about maintaining a Sunday Mass at Holy Family.
Attending Mass at Holy Family to greet the newly appointed pastor of Holy Family Notre Dame de Chicago, were: ( l. to r.) Patti Bellock, Robert Emmett Nolan, Barbara Nolan and Michael Nolan. Holy Family was honored to welcome these members of our founding families. FOR FULL STORY please click on the title link or picture
St. Ignatius College Prep makes frequent use of Holy Family Church for special events, devotions and liturgies. One of the regularly scheduled events is a well- attended optional Mass every First Friday morning at 7:15 a.m. during the academic year. Most of the school’s 1,400 students, many faculty and often alumni, parents and former parents of St. Ignatius students participate in this Mass. For FULL STORY, please click on title link or picture.
Congratulations to all our young people from Holy Family and Notre Dame de Chicago who were confirmed on April 3 by Bishop Rojas. May the Holy Spirit continue to bless them with strength, courage and love. The confirmandi are: Owen Aguilar, Ruby Aguilar, Richard Caccavale, Joshua Cardenas, Daniel Casarez, Col Chin, Jackson Chin, Olivia Dietrich, Emily Dominguez-Soliz, Jesus Federico, Esteban Garcia, Maritza Gutierrez, Matthew Guzman, Saul Guzman, Angel Rosales, Fidel Rosales, Alaric Rylon, Javadia Rylon, and Ariana Salgado
Fr. Peter McQuinn, newly appointed pastor of the combined Holy Family/Notre Dame parish, has shared with Fr. Mike that he will be visiting Holy Family this Sunday, April 7 at the 9:45 Mass. This will be a good opportunity for all parishioners to meet our new pastor, and for him to get to see the renowned welcoming environment at the Sunday morning Mass, and why it is so important that it be maintained.